5 in 1 Magic Multi Opener (As seen on TV) SEE DEMO VIDEO


5 in 1 Magic Multi opener

Get into a wide range of items in the kitchen with this extremely versatile 5-in-1 opener.  With no need for good finger strength or function, it opens jars, bottles and cans with ease.  Soft-grip strips down the side ensure a comfortable and secure hold.

With the 5-in-1 opener, you can open:

  1.    Bottle caps: push the rubber section over the cap and lever open
  2.    Drinks/food cans: slide the ring-pull into a slot in the end and lift
  3.    Food cans: hook the ring pull and lever against the lid to open
  4.    Bottles: a bottle opener for beer/cider bottles
  5.    Jars: use a lever to break the vacuum seal on jars, allowing for easy opening

The 5-in-1 opener is a great tool to have handy in your kitchen. Jar opener, bottle opener, ring pull opener, jam jar opener for sale in mansfield, magic multi can opener ring pull, bottles jam jars.
